New exercise challenge aims to raise cash for Calgary’s Field of Crosses memorial
Calgarian Jordan Witzel’s three-kilometre bike ride on Saturday was one of the first to kickstart the inaugural Field of Crosses Memorial Project fundraising campaign.
The “Exercise Freedom Together” campaign is the first of its kind to support the memorial, which honours more than 3,500 southern Alberta soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice for Canadian freedoms.

Exercising freedom together to honour fallen soldiers
Major (ret.) Kent Griffiths joins Global News Morning Calgary to talk about the Field of Crosses Exercise Freedom Campaign, encouraging people to get active and honour those who have fallen in combat.

Calgary Remembers: Remembrance Day ceremony at the Field of Crosses
Hundreds of Calgarians laid poppies on small wooden crosses in the Field of Crosses on Monday, to honour those who lost their lives fighting for Canadian freedom. Poems and prayers were recited for the crowd, wreaths were laid and the Cantare Children’s Choir led the...

Murray McCann turns Field of Crosses into a charity so it will outlive him
On New Year’s Eve, when Murray McCann turned 80, he did what many of us do on a milestone birthday — he contemplated his mortality. Unlike many of us, however, that reflection spurred the successful entrepreneur and sole founder and funder of Calgary’s Field of...

Calgary’s Field of Crosses illuminated by thousands of candles ahead of Remembrance Day
Thousands of candles were lit in front of nearly 3,500 white crosses during a sunset ceremony at the Field of Crosses in Calgary on Sunday, Nov. 10, 2019. Blake Lough reports. Watch the video.